London Festival Of Architecture

In celebration of the London Festival of Architecture we will be offering Architectural Tours of the House on every Monday plus the final three Sundays in June (10th, 17th, 24th). Discover how a ‘work-a-day’ 1730s terrace building of great historical merit, survived war, weather, and busy Victorians became a place where you can step back into London’s and Franklin’s past.

London History Day

To celebrate the 2018 London History Day theme of ‘courage,’ Benjamin Franklin House will be hosting a series of free walking tours to explore the London life of American hero Benjamin Franklin: nation builder; philosopher; scientist; diplomat and more. 50% off Historical Experience tickets on the day.

Thursday 31 May

Toys in Franklin’s Time

Come and see how children passed thier time with traditional Georgian toys and games. Invent the fastest whirligig to win a race and make traditional toys to take home. Booking is required, please click here to book.

Tuesday 29 May, 11am-12.30pm

Free, suitable for ages 5-11