Live Science Class for Kids: Guest Presenter from John Wesley’s House

We are very excited to welcome a guest presenter from The Museum of Methodism & John Wesley’s House for this week’s instalment of our weekly virtual science classes. You can recreate the featured demonstration at home using household materials.

John Wesley and Benjamin Franklin lived in London at the same time and they were both interested in electricity, John even visited America! It’s John’s journey to America that’s inspired this session led by Gemma Smith, Learning & Community Engagement Officer at John Wesley’s House. John encountered a scary storm on his way there so we’ll be thinking about what materials float and why. You’ll be able to join in with the experiments as we go along, testing materials from around your house. We’ll also explore how the density of materials affects whether they float or not.

Activity Materials:

Experiment 1: a large bowl/container of water, different materials from around the home e.g. wood (pencil), plastic (old bottle), metal (coin), cork, fruit

Experiment 2: ice cube, water, oil, a glass

Experiment 3: syrup (the syrup should be pre-poured into an old jam jar or other see-through container), water, oil

Links to the Science Curriculum:

KS2 – Materials and their properties

KS3 – Density

Most Suitable for KS2 and KS3 (Grades 2-8) but all ages welcome!

If you have any questions, please contact

Watch the full class and demonstration:

Live Science Class for Kids: Guest Presenter from Newington Green Meeting House

Please register here, to receive the joining link and password.

This 30 minute class will begin at 3pm BST/10am EDT on Tuesday 23 June.

We are very exciting to welcome a guest presenter from Newington Green Meeting House for this week’s instalment of our weekly virtual science classes. You can recreate the featured demonstration at home using household materials.

Newington Green Meeting House is a place where for over 300 years people have been thinking differently. In this session Amy Todd, Community and Learning Manager, will be showing us how to perform one of Joseph Priestley’s experiments. Joseph Priestley used to come to the Meeting House and was friends with one of our famous ministers, he was the person who discovered Oxygen, and he did lots of experiments with gases. He even invented the world’s first carbonated drink, so without Priestley there would be no Fanta today! In this experiment you will learn how to instantly freeze your favourite fizzy drink and amaze your friends!

Activity Materials: fizzy drink of your choice, space in a freezer, a bowl, some ice (1-2 cubes will be fine)

You will need to put your soft drink in the freezer for 3.5 hours before we start so you can join in!

Links to the Science Curriculum:

KS2: States of Matter (Y4, Y5)

KS3: Matter – Physical Changes

Most Suitable for KS2 and KS3 (Grades 2-8) but all ages welcome!

If you have any questions, please contact

Watch the full class and demonstration:

Watch the demonstration:

Virtual Talk: Fuelling Democracy – Ben Franklin and Coffee Houses

Join us for a talk on how Benjamin Franklin used the stimulating environment of coffee houses to help shape his early political ideals by our Operations Manager, Caitlin Hoffman. These public and social establishments were centres of the 18th century Enlightenment and provided a foundation of early American politics.

Virtual Talk: The Rise of the Private Banker in Franklin’s London

Dr Perry Gauci, Tutor in Modern History at Lincoln College, Oxford University, will speak on the development of the banking profession in mid-Georgian London. In common with many of his fellow London residents, Franklin benefited from the increasing availability of specialist banking services, and this talk will examine the social and cultural impact of the private bankers, several of whom were located close to Craven Street. Both in their business and their sociability, the bankers were a dynamic force, and acted as key intermediaries within metropolitan society.

Image: Ben Franklin’s Wallet on display at Benjamin Franklin House

Full talk and Q&A below:

Virtual Talk: The value of being luckily wrong

There is only so much we understand. There is only so much we make sense of in advance. Are we spending too much time trying to be right, and too little time simply maximising our chances of getting lucky?

Join Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman of Ogilvy UK and Board Member of Benjamin Franklin House, for this fascinating talk.

Watch the full talk and Q&A below:

Live Science Class: Ben Franklin’s Long Arm

Join our series of weekly virtual classes to learn how Ben Franklin’s inventions and scientific discoveries illuminate the national curriculum! You can recreate all the featured science demonstrations at home using household materials.

Have you heard of Ben Franklin’s long arm? He used this invention to reach books on high shelves. Learn how Ben drew on his knowledge of forces to invent this handy device and create your own to use at home!

Activity Materials: cardboard, 4 split pins, 1 rubber band, string, scissors, tape, ruler, pencil

Links to the Science Curriculum:

KS2: Forces (Y3, Y5)

KS3: Forces

Most Suitable for KS2 and KS3 (Grades 2-8) but all ages welcome!

If you have any questions, please contact

Watch the full class and demonstration:

How to make a long arm:

Live Science Class: Ben Franklin and Storm Clouds

Join our series of weekly virtual classes to learn how Ben Franklin’s inventions and scientific discoveries illuminate the national curriculum! You can recreate all the featured science demonstrations at home using household materials.

One evening in 1743, storm clouds blocked Ben Franklin’s view of a lunar eclipse. This led him to find out more about how they move across the sky. Learn how storms work and the role they play in the water cycle before making your own rainstorm in a jar!

Activity Materials: 1 glass jar (e.g. empty jam jar), 1 jug of water, shaving foam, blue food colouring, pipette (optional)

Links to the Science Curriculum:

KS2: States of Matter (Y4, Y5)

KS3: Matter – Physical Changes

Most Suitable for KS2 and KS3 (US Grades 2-8) but all ages welcome!

If you have any questions, please contact

Watch the full class and demonstration:

Live Science Class for Kids: Ben Franklin and the Northern Lights

Join our series of weekly virtual classes to learn how Ben Franklin’s inventions and scientific discoveries illuminate the national curriculum! You can recreate all the featured science demonstrations at home using household materials.

Did you know that Ben Franklin observed and wrote about the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis? Uncover the science behind these magnificent colours in the sky and create a simple telescope to carry out sky gazing of your own!

Activity Materials: 2 cardboard tubes (e.g. from kitchen roll), 1 split pin, tape, scissors, ruler, pencil

Links to the Science Curriculum:

KS2: Earth and Space (Y5)

KS3: Space Physics

Most Suitable for KS2 and KS3 (US Grades 2-8) but all ages welcome!

If you have any questions, please contact

Watch the full class and demonstration:

Virtual Talk: The Motel in America

This talk will explore the early development of a distinctly American form of lodging, the motel. A child of the automobile age, the ‘motor hotel’ first flourished during the Depression and experienced its heyday after World War Two. Dr Cara Rodway, Deputy Head of the Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library, and Chair of the British Association for American Studies, will share her passion for these ordinary yet surprising and evocative places and discuss what they have come to represent in contemporary American culture.

Watch the full talk and Q&A below:

Virtual Talk: ‘A Mere Matter of Marching’?: The War of 1812, The Battle of Queenston Heights

“The acquisition of Canada this year, as far as the neighborhood of Quebec, will be a mere matter of marching” -Thomas Jefferson, 1812

Mallory Horrill, PhD student at University College London, Institute of the Americas, House Manager and Curator of the Emery Walker Trust, and former Operations Manager of Benjamin Franklin House, will be speaking on the Battle of Queenston Heights, a seminal battle in the War of 1812. This talk will explore why the United States entered into war with Great Britain (referred to by some as the ‘Second War of Independence’) and discuss in detail the Battle of Queenston Heights, the first major battle in the war. Mallory is especially interested in identity and will explore how this battle and the larger British victory of the War of 1812 impacted and shaped the formation of the Canadian identity. 

Watch the full talk and Q&A here: