Family Day – Investigate! Bubbles, slime and other materials.

Benjamin Franklin questioned the world around him. Join us to investigate the world around us and learn why different materials act the way they do!

We will be exploring slime and bubbles, you can even take home your own homemade bubble wand.

Most suitable for 5-11 year olds but younger siblings are welcome.

Tuesday 21 August, 11am

Book your free space via eventbrite.

Family Day: A Georgian Tea Party

Join us to investigate the traditions of tea drinking from the Georgian period, learn about social gatherings and coffee houses where Benjamin Franklin frequently visited. Here you can make and take home your own tea cup.

Most suitable for 7-11 year olds but younger siblings are welcome.

Book free via Eventbrite.

Family Day: Instrumental Inventions

Benjamin Franklin was a prolific inventor and a lover of music, inventing the glass armonica. Join us to explore his process of invention and create your own instruments to take home.

Tuesday 28th May 10.30am-12.30pm.

Most suitable for children aged 5-11.

Book via eventbrite.

Thanksgiving Dinner, Thursday 28 November, 7.30pm

An American Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings will take place at magnificent Clothworkers’ Hall. Roast turkey (and stuffing and vegetables and of course pumpkin pie) will be a highlight.  Franklin, in addition to suggesting the turkey become one of America’s national symbols, practised cooking it as part of his early work on electricity.

Thursday 28 November, 7.30pm

Tickets: £90/Adults £50/Children

Further details or to book email

Family Day: Hallowe’en at Benjamin Franklin House

Children will meet Polly Hewson, daughter of Franklin’s landlady, to hear some ghoulishly good Hallowe’en stories followed by gruesome games including Pumpkin Trick or Treat and Pin the Spider on the Web.

Tuesday 23 October, 4-5pm

Suitable for children aged 5-11 years of age

Book your free tickets here.

Family Day: Bones in the Basement

Come along and search for bones in the basement at Benjamin Franklin House. Become an archaeologist for the morning and help uncover the history of this Georgian townhouse.

Saturday July 20 10.30am-12pm

Most suitable for children aged 8-11 years old, though younger siblings are welcome. 

Toys in Franklin’s Time

Come and see how children passed thier time with traditional Georgian toys and games. Invent the fastest whirligig to win a race and make traditional toys to take home. Booking is required, please click here to book.

Tuesday 29 May, 11am-12.30pm

Free, suitable for ages 5-11